Saturday, March 19, 2011

Thought Influencing Water (part 2)

In the last article I left off with the name of Lynne McTaggart who has recently worked with several different university professors in her own research on thought affecting water. In this section I'm going to look a little closer at McTaggart's studies and review other research showing that thought can affect water.

McTaggart's first experiment on intention affecting water was done with Konstantin Korotkov of St. Petersburg University. Korotkov actually invented a way to more easily detect the photons or light that living things emit. He used this detector to measure the level of light being emited by water that had the intention of LOVE sent to it by about 1,500 people. Korotkov discovered large differences in light emissions related to the intentions, but unfortunately the experiment's results were inconclusive. However, he did another experiment on thought affecting light emmission from water in 2008. This time about 700 participants were asked to make the water "glow" instead of just sending love intention to it. This time Korotkov noticed significant differences in the light emmisions. So, the results were positive that time for thought affecting water.

McTaggart then did some studies with Rustom Roy a Professor of Material Sciences at Pennsylvania State University. Roy is supposedly one of the worlds leading experts on water. This time the test was designed to look for structeral changes in the molecules of water. Apparently Water molecules can form clusters of H2O units. In Roy's experiments Raman spectroscopy was used to measure changes in the way water molecules cluster in response to thought. This test was... inconclusive because the water started changing 1 hour before the intention was supposed to be sent. This illustrates a major problem with intention or thought experiments. It is hard to control people's thoughts to precisely the time you want to do the experiment. Now, why the water started changing an hour before the experiment started is hard to figure out, but it might have to do with the intenders anticipating that they would be putting intention on water in an hours time. Fortunately, McTaggart has done other experiments with water that got positive results.

With Dr. Gary Schwartz at the University of Arizona McTaggert did an experiment to see if water with the intention of "grow" placed on it would make seeds germinate and grow faster and better. The results of this experiment was that the seeds watered with the intention water all germinated as opposed to only 90% of those watered with plain water. So, there was a positive result there.

Now, to review, we have the first McTaggart/Koratkov experiment being inconclusive, the second McTaggart Koratkov experiment showed positive results, the third experiment with McTaggart and Roy being inconclusive and the fourth McTaggart and Gary Schwartz experiment showing positive. So, half of McTaggarts experiments showed that thought affects water. Not bad since it is hard to do consciousness experiments because thought is hard to control. If we combine the results of the experiments from part 1 of this article we get at least 6 experiments that give empirical evidence that thought affects water. Let's go back through these so if your friends say there is no scientific evidence that thought affects water you can say, "Wait a minute, take a look at Dr. Bruce King's article on The Power of Thought and Water."

Here's the list of scientific experiments with positive results . I don't include some of Emoto's experiments because I don't personally believe that they were scientific enough. However I will put Emoto's experiment done with Dean Radin as the first proof that thought affects water because it was a double blind study which is more scientific.

The second study I will list as giving positive results is the Bernard Grad study done in 1959. Even though it is an old experiment, as far as I know it was done scientifically and Grad did get positive results.

The third experiment is one of the more amazing experiments done by William Tiller. His test showed that circuits imprinted with intent from 4 expert meditators changed the pH of water. His test was pretty scientific and even accounted for external factors that might have affected the pH like water temperature etc. So a big thumbs up for Tillers experiment.

Fourth, we have the Russians Pyatninsky and Fonki who managed to get their experiment published in a peer reviewed scientific journal called Journal of Scientific Exploration which adds some credibility to their findings that water can be affected by thought.

Fifth on the list is Lynne McTaggart's second experiment with Konstantin Korotkov that showed thought affected light emmission from water. Number Six is McTagart's experiment with Gary Schwartz from the University of Arizona that showed that seeds germinated with intention water had a 100% sprouting rate as compared to the normal 90% rate.

So there you have it. There are at least 6 reasonably sound scientific experiments showing that thought can affect water.

Maybe we should all be putting positive intentions on the water we drink or bath in. Just for fun I did a little seed germination experiment of my own. You can read about my results in part 3 of this article. Meanwhile, please share, subscribe and/or follow by e-mail this blog.

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